12th Annual Feed Seniors Now Event Begins in September

Throughout the month of September, Comfort Keepers of Lubbock will be hosting the 12th Annual Feed Seniors Now event, benefiting Lubbock Meals on Wheels’ Weekend Meal Program. This program provides weekend sacks to clients in Lubbock and Wolfforth who have no access to food or assistance on weekends.
Because of the growing need, Lubbock Meals on Wheels is now providing assistance to 500 seniors each weekend, 28% more than this time last year. Still, our waiting list continues to grow. We ask the community to join by;
• Organizing a food drive through your business, church, or organization.
• Ordering specific food items from your favorite online company & shipping them to Lubbock MOW * 2304 34th St. * Lubbock, TX * 79411
• Donating directly to this campaign at lubbockmealsonwheels.org.
A shopping list is provided here.
For more information, please call Lisa Carson at 806-687-7800
or contact
Mary Gerlach at mary@lubbockmow.org / 806-792-7971