Why the star of your next business video should be you!
Ready for your close-ups? Why the star of your next business video should be you!
No one knows your business like you do. While it may take some getting used to, you are your own best advocate and should be featured in your own business videos. People like to know who they are dealing with. The message you deliver is crucial to landing new clients and maintaining existing relationships.
Identifying the purpose of the video will help you create a solid format is the purpose to gain new clients, to inform them of changes in the company or products, or to create videos teaching clients how to use your products or services?
Most entrepreneurs and many small business owners have created companies from scratch. Your excitement shines through in a video explaining who you are, why you created the company, and how you got started. People enjoy hearing success stories and are more likely to be inspired to try your services or products when they learn more about the person behind the company.
Tips for Creating a Good Video