Tuesday Mar 9, 2021 Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Virtual via Zoom
Sponsorships available
Individual Tickets
$75 Members
$125 Non-Members
· One Access Link to Event and 2 weekly sessions
$30 Members
$50 Non-Members
· One Access Link to one of the following:
· Main Event on 3.9.2021
· Weekly Session 3.16.2021
· Weekly Session 3.30.2021
The 2021 Lubbock Chamber Diversity Summit will be our fourth annual event and continues our goal to deliver a platform for businesses to work together to affect real change in the workplace and in our community. The Chamber is a leading resource for businesses dedicated to making a difference and we are using our role as the voice of the business community to advocate for protecting workers from discrimination.
For almost 108 years, our programs, events, leadership and relationships with other key partners and community leaders have helped businesses grow and make Lubbock a better place to work, live, play, and learn. We are rethinking diversity and tolerance in the workplace and identifying the essentials of moving from good intentions to workable applications. The conversation needs to move from just ?diversity? to the equality of opportunity in the workplace.
We recognize that diversity and inclusion are multifaceted issues and that we need to tackle these subjects holistically to better engage and support all underrepresented groups within businesses. To do this, we believe we also need to address honestly and head-on the concerns and needs of our diverse employees and increase equity for all, including Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, LGBTQ, disabled, veterans, women, and any disenfranchised individuals. Collectively as business leaders we must agree to do more.
Our attempts will be to help employers recognize workplace inequality and inequity to help improve their bottom-line and the overall economic stature of every single person. How do we grow the workforce and ?get along? in this environment? We must create connections to help deliver skills and not only to survive but to grow and prosper. Talent recruitment has become one of the Chamber?s major objectives to enhance the workplace environment.
The 2021 Diversity Summit on March 9 will focus on equality of opportunities in education. The discussion will center around how to bridge gaps in educational attainment and workforce demands. For more information about this event, please contact the Lubbock Chamber at 806 761-7000 or our website at www.lubbockchamber.com.
Printed courtesy of www.lubbockchamber.com – Contact the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1500 Broadway, Suite 101, Lubbock, TX 79401 – (806) 761-7000 – info@lubbockbiz.org