Date and Time
Friday Apr 26, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Friday, April 26th
12:00 p.m.
$15 per person
Contact Information
Cathy Potter
Send Email

Join us for Lunch with A Leader at the new Health & Wellness Center Sponsored by UMC Health System Featuring Mark Funderburk and catered by Glazed Honey Ham!
About Mark:
Mark Funderburk, MBA, RHIA, FACHE has been with University Medical Center for 32 years.
Beginning as a Texas Tech post graduate fellow, Mark progressed to Department Director, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President/Administrator and since January 2018, President & Chief Executive Officer.
Mark holds a Bachelor in Business Administration from Baylor University, a Bachelor of Science from the University of Texas Medical Branch, and a Master of Business Administration from Texas Tech University. Mark is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
During his tenure as COO and then CEO, Mark served at the helm of a cultural transformation of UMC – engaging employees and patients – toward national rankings, as well as significant growth in market share from both Lubbock and the region.Mark credits his faith, his family and the UMC leadership team for the accomplishments experienced at UMC. Mark is actively involved in the community, including leadership within First Baptist Church deacon body, Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Board, and American Heart Association Heart Walk.