Date and Time
Monday Dec 2, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
December 2nd, 2024
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
McDougal Building
1500 Broadway, 2nd floor in San Jacinto Room
Lubbock, TX 79401
$35 for Chamber Members
$75 for Future Members
Lunch is included in registration

The Level-Up Lunch on December 2nd will feature Chandra Pathki, an Assistant Professor of Practice in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management at the Rawls College of Business. His presentation titled, 'Reskilling and Upskilling the Workforce' is a significant one, as it discusses current trends in human resource development.
Dr. Pathki received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from the University of Illinois. His research focuses on leadership, workplace interactions and individual differences. His research has been published in top management journals including Journal of Management and Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Level-Up is presented by the Lubbock Chamber and the Texas Tech University Rawls College of Business Institute for Leadership Research.