Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM CST
Lubbock Christian University
The Lubbock Civic Orchestra announces Open Auditions for New Personnel. Auditions will take place on Tuesday, January 24 in the Hinds Music Center on the campus of Lubbock Christian University. Conductors Dr. Ryan Smith and Dr. Blair Williams invite string, flute, oboe, bassoon, and percussion players in the Lubbock area to consider auditioning for this volunteer community ensemble. Visit our website for audition materials, to sign up for an audition time, and to view the 2022-2023 season schedule www.lubbockcivicorchestra.org/auditions/ The Lubbock Civic Orchestra was founded with the intention of bringing great orchestral music to the community with free concerts and outreach programs, while also providing community amateur and semi-professional musicians a platform for utilizing their talents for service to Lubbock and the surrounding areas. Lubbock Civic Orchestra is funded in partnership with Lubbock Christian University with an educational mission to reach the community of Lubbock as an artistic ensemble. Rehearsals are each Tuesday evening from 7:30-9:00pm at LCU with concerts in the fall and spring. Learn more on our website and facebook pages. Spring 2023 rehearsals begin Tuesday, February 7. Follow us on Facebook: @lubbockcivicorchestra Send questions to lubbockcivicorchestra@gmail.com
Printed courtesy of www.lubbockchamber.com – Contact the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1500 Broadway, Suite 101, Lubbock, TX 79401 – (806) 761-7000 – info@lubbockbiz.org