Friday Apr 23, 2021
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM CDT
First Bank and Trust Operation Center, 9816 Slide Rd, Lubbock, Tx 79424
$50.00 per person - Members only
Space is limited, and reservations must be received three days prior to the date of the event.
** Cancellation Policy: For full refund cancellations must be 5 days prior to the event.
Email Theresa Hardin at or call 806.761.7000 for more information.
Theresa Hardin
806 761-7000
Send Email
What if you could do several weeks' worth of networking in just a 1/2 day session with many Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Members? This 1/2 day super networking event provides your company the opportunity to present its products and services to chamber members. Businesses from Lubbock will concentrate on networking in a fun, speed dating format that guarantees to open doors for future business relationships.
Bring your business cards, door prizes and swag to exchange or give away to attendees.
Space is limited and to ensure diversity only two similar categories of business with only one person per company may participate.
Sponsorships are available $150 per business (total of 4)
Sponsorship Benefits:
- Link to company website on event page
-Sponsor recognition on social media
-Opportunity to distribute promotional material and give a short presentation during the event
-Listing of all attendees at the event
Catering Sponsorship $150 (Trade Agreement, total of 4)
- Provide food and refreshments for 15
- Link to company website on event
- Sponsor recognition on social media
- Opportunity to distribute promotional material
- Listing of all attendees at the event
Refreshments and lunch will be provided for your enjoyment.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1500 Broadway, Suite 101, Lubbock, TX 79401 – (806) 761-7000 –