Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Schedule: Wednesday, June 28th 11am - 12pm: Check-in & lunch provided by sponsor - Barklee Financial Group, LLC (HUGE thank you to them!) 12pm - 3pm: Strategies for a REALTOR® Business Plan (3 Hour Class) 3pm - 4pm: Key Differences Between a Plat & Survey (1 Hour Class) 4pm - 5pm: Happy Hour
Tuscan Tower (2nd Floor - Room #205) 4630 50th St. Lubbock, TX 79414
Cost: $25 for both classes $15: Strategies for a REALTOR® Business Plan (3 Hour Class) $10: Key Differences Between a Plat & Survey (1 Hour Class) 100% of funds are donated to disaster relief. Only 35 spots available, reserve yours today! You MUST sign-up & pre-pay SEPARATELY for each class you plan to attend using the Alliant links below: Strategies for a REALTOR® Business Plan- Key Differences Between a Plat & Survey- Create an Alliant account, click on the sessions tab, then select the date & sign-up.
If you have any questions, please email:
or call Bailee at:
(806) 793-0704
Send Email
REALTORS: Join us IN-PERSON for our two summer realtor credit classes, taught by the wonderful Jeannette Black of Alliant National! You can get 4 hours of license renewal credit by attending both classes! Lunch will be provided & happy hour will immediately follow the 2nd class. A HUGE thank you to sponsor Vander-Plas LaFreniere, PLLC.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1500 Broadway, Suite 101, Lubbock, TX 79401 – (806) 761-7000 –