Date and Time
Friday Dec 11, 2020
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CST
December 11th, 2020
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
This event will be streamed on the following sites:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/specialolympicstexas
Viewing this event is Free
Donations & Sponsorship opportunities are available!
Contact Information
Ashley Pena
(806) 620-2706
Send Email
Breakfast with Champions brings together “change-makers” throughout the area for a morning of learning, inspiration, networking & making a difference in the lives of Special Olympic Texas athletes. Because of your support, Special Olympics and its volunteers are able to serve over 55,000 athletes across Texas.
Join us for a morning of inspirational stories from our SOTX Athletes, Families, Unified Partners, and Community. This is a morning you will not want to miss! Your donation will directly benefit athletes right here in the South Plains Area!
If you are interested in attending this event or helping us to spread the word, please contact Ashley Pena for more details.