Tuesday May 23, 2023
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 10am to 3pm
There is NO COST to attend!
Danny Soliz
(806) 744-1987
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Workforce Solutions South Plains will be holding our May Virtual Job Fair on Tuesday, May 23 from 10am to 3pm. This hiring event is 100% virtual and completely free to attend! Take this opportunity to check out which local employers are hiring RIGHT NOW! You can chat, discuss job requirements, and schedule interviews all at once! No hassle and no commitment... and did we mention 100% free? EMPLOYERS: are you looking for quality candidates, but you don't have the time to leave your business to do recruit them? Sign up now for your FREE virtual booth! You can chat with potential employees and even VIDEO chat with them. Simply copy and paste the link below to set up your booth and then follow the same link the day of the event to find the right candidate for your business. https://pvapi.premiervirtual.com/s/W25oAx JOB SEEKERS: are you looking for your ideal career but not sure where to start? Register NOW for our completely free and virtual job fair so you don't have to stress about parking or what to wear. You'll be able to chat with employers and see current job openings, all from the comfort of your own home. Simply copy and paste the link below to get started and then use the same link the day of the event to find your future career. https://pvapi.premiervirtual.com/s/8rBVP8 If you need help creating a resume, contact a Career Center Specialist at 866-765-5038. There is NO COST to attend! You Future Starts TODAY! Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Relay Texas: 800-735-2989 (TTY) and 711 (Voice). This project is wholly funded with Federal workforce development funds. This document contains vital information about requirements, rights, determinations, and/or responsibilities for accessing workforce system services. Language services, including the interpretation/translation of this document, are available free of charge upon request. ?Este documento contiene información importante sobre los requisitos, los derechos, las determinaciones y las responsabilidades del acceso a los servicios del sistema de la fuerza laboral. Hay disponibles servicios de idioma, incluida la interpretación y la traducción de documentos, sin ningún costo y a solicitud.
Printed courtesy of www.lubbockchamber.com – Contact the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1500 Broadway, Suite 101, Lubbock, TX 79401 – (806) 761-7000 – info@lubbockbiz.org