Counselor - Individual and/or Family go Results Found: 5 Button group with nested dropdown Parkridge - 20th & Louisville Parkridge - 20th & Louisville 3718 20th St. Lubbock TX 79410 (806) 780-8555 Children's Home of Lubbock Children's Home of Lubbock 4404 Idalou Hwy. Lubbock TX 79403 (806) 762-0481 Parkridge - 79th & Slide Parkridge - 79th & Slide 5203 79th St., Ste. B Lubbock TX 79424 (806) 794-8555 Catholic Charities Diocese of Lubbock Catholic Charities Diocese of Lubbock 102 Ave. J Lubbock TX 79401 (806) 765-8475 Saint Paul's on the Plains Episcopal ... Saint Paul's on the Plains Episcopal Church 1510 Ave. X Lubbock TX 79401 (806) 762-2893