Government Agencies go Results Found: 13 Button group with nested dropdown South Plains Association of Governmen... South Plains Association of Governments 1323 58th St. Lubbock TX 79412 (806) 762-8721 U.S. Army Recruiting U.S. Army Recruiting 5604 Slide Rd., Ste. 400A Lubbock TX 79414 (806) 791-4445 City of Lubbock City of Lubbock 1314 Ave. K Lubbock TX 79401 (806) 775-3000 Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Lubbock Economic Development Alliance 1500 Broadway St., Ste. 600 Lubbock TX 79401 (806) 749-4500 City of Lubbock-Public Library City of Lubbock-Public Library 1306 9th St. Lubbock TX 79401 (806) 775-2834 Visit Lubbock, Convention and Visitor... Visit Lubbock, Convention and Visitor's Bureau 1500 Broadway St., Ste. 600 Lubbock TX 79401 (806) 747-5232 City of Crosbyton City of Crosbyton 221 W. Main St. Crosbyton TX 79322 (806) 675-2301 GO TEXAN-Texas Department of Agricult... GO TEXAN-Texas Department of Agriculture 4502 Englewood Lubbock TX 79414 (806) 799-8555 Idalou Economic Development Corporati... Idalou Economic Development Corporation 301 Main St. Idalou TX 79329 (806) 892-2531 Catholic Charities Diocese of Lubbock Catholic Charities Diocese of Lubbock 102 Ave. J Lubbock TX 79401 (806) 765-8475 Lubbock Metropolitan Planning Organiz... Lubbock Metropolitan Planning Organization 916 Main St., Ste. 1210 Lubbock TX 79401 (806) 775-1676 Lubbock Emergency Communication Distr... Lubbock Emergency Communication District 6032 43rd St. Lubbock TX 79407 (806) 747-6911 U.S. Small Business Administration U.S. Small Business Administration 1205 Texas Ave., Room 408 Lubbock TX 79401-2693 (806) 472-7462